Monday, May 10, 2010

Two More Weeks til Takeoff!

This weekend was great! I spent Saturday with dear friends and celebrated Mother's Day yesterday with only the most unique and remarkable woman on the planet - my mom Linda! Time is flying by and I only have 2 weeks from today before leaving on a jet plane for Nairobi!

In addition to the weekend, today was a fabulous day! A dear friend treated me to a much needed spa visit. It was so nice to shut off my brain for a few hours and relax! Aside from packing, making sure I have all my paperwork in order, finishing what I need to complete at work and spending evenings with family and friends, life is pretty relaxing these last few days! I am so happy and blessed with how the cookie has crumbled and can't wait for the adventures that await me in Kenya.

The next step is filling those suitcases I pulled out from storage this afternoon. I did pack one small bag this evening, which makes it feel even more official. It isn't as bad as moving a whole apartment but strategically thinking how to pack for 2 months in Africa is easier said than done. Admittedly I am a terrible packer. Who wants to wear the same clothes over and over? I remember when I backpacked thru Europe after college and I lived out of this small backpack for 6 weeks. My friend made me throw away some of my clothes toward the end of the trip because they were so gross. This is very different than a European jaunt but I still want to take only what is needed.

It's funny how my to do list has changed from writing papers and reading articles to packing my suitcase and getting my typhoid vaccination. Oh summer fun!

1 comment:

  1. typhoid vaccination...ah, I remember the good ol' times in the Philippines. :)
